Thursday, March 12, 2009



Today was hard (sort of forming a pattern). I had an old friend from highschool over with her 6 month old. And all TBM wanted to do was be a baby.

Well - that's not really fair. She did a bunch of big kid stuff like get the baby toys and similar things. But she cried and cried and wanted the baby's soother. She didn't want her own, she wanted the "little" one...

It was really frustrating. She's normally such a big kid.

My BFF has a 5 week old baby (and a 2yo). And when ever we're with them TBM does this stuff too. I lent her a couple of baby carriers and when I was showing her them, TBM insisted on going in each of them. When she sees him get his diaper changed she insists on having a pretend change.

I really hope she get's over it before we have another kid.

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