Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another rough morning

So 2 is a rough stage. TBM is in fine form these days. One moment she will be really reasonable, and the next it's like she's from another planet.

This morning was a good example. We got up and she had breakfast. Then it was time to get dressed and go to work/daycare. So I found some clothes for her and DH got her dressed. Great! Right?

It was until she decided that she'd rather have different underwear. So while we were packing our stuff to get out the door she removed all her clothes in order to put on pink undies. And she had to do it all herself. I suppose I should be happy that it doesn't look like we'll have a 6yo who still needs us to dress her. But when it takes 4 times as long for her to do it - it kind of sucks.

When we got to daycare she wanted to take her purple gloves into the room with her. But that's not allowed. Things like that need to be left in her locker. It took close to 10 minutes for her to agree and actually follow through on putting her gloves away and being willing to walk away from the locker. it was insane. I know it sounds crazy that I let it go on for that long - but really it's a choice between 2 bad results.

I could have removed the gloves from her hands, which she would have perceived as a complete violation of her personal space. Then she would have screamed and cried and asked questions like "why you do this mama? Why you do this to me?" for the next 30 minutes. Or I can sit on the floor feeling like an idiot methodically repeating "Your gloves need to stay in your locker. Where would you like to put them in your locker? Would you like to put them, or would you like mama to put them?" Ad nauseum.

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