Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's been along time.

Well - it's been a VERY long time since I posted here. That's OK. It's for me to have a chance to write out what I'm thinking about. I will try, when I have time, to fill in some of the gaps of how TBM is doing.

As a basic update - she's now 2, talking up a storm, and insisting on doing everything herself. We're having a great time exploring the world with her.

Part of what prompted me to dig up this blog is how she's been dealing with the death of our cat. We had an old cat named Frederick. We put him down about 6 weeks ago. We told her about it, and she seemed to take something away from it.

Then last weekend we had a friend over and TBM told her very seriously, "I can't move Frederick. Frederick died!"... This is in clear reference to her Olivia book where Olivia moves the cat.

It's amazing what percolates through a 2yo's head.

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