Monday, March 30, 2009

Her memory is amazing

I am constantly amazed by what The Baby Monster remembers.

I posted about how we had to put Frederick down. Tonight TBM was being hard to put to sleep. I went up and she claimed the cats were bugging her. (more like she's complaining that the get to stay up and she has to go to bed).

I told her the cats would leave her alone and she needed to go to sleep. This is the conversation we had:

TBM: Frederick died
Me: Yes - he did die

TBM: He went with daddy and he died
Me: Yes, he went with daddy and he died

TBM: You went to the lab and came back
Me: o_O

I had a blood test done the day we put him down. I went to that at like 3pm and the vet appointment was for 4:30 or something. It's never been discussed that I went to the lab before Frederick was put down. She remembered that all on her own.

WTF? That's insane. It's been a few months and she pulls that out of thin air.

She's an amazing little kid.

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