Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh the sleep woes

Sleep hates us.

For the longest time TBM would sleep when we did. She'd go to bed with us at ~11pm and then sleep until 10am. I'd get up before she did and have some quiet time to myself. It was great. She got to spend alot of time with Andrew after he got home from work.

But then she started daycare 7 months ago. You'd think that she would have adjusted. But no...

Every once in awhile she gives us hope. She'll go to sleep easily at 7pm (which is when we've been trying for the last 7 months) for a few days. But it never lasts. Soon we're back to it taking 1 to 2 hours to put her to sleep.

I think she's just like me. It takes her along time to wind down enough to fall asleep. And since her attention span is that of a 2yo, she gets bored waiting and gets out of bed.

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