Monday, March 30, 2009

Her memory is amazing

I am constantly amazed by what The Baby Monster remembers.

I posted about how we had to put Frederick down. Tonight TBM was being hard to put to sleep. I went up and she claimed the cats were bugging her. (more like she's complaining that the get to stay up and she has to go to bed).

I told her the cats would leave her alone and she needed to go to sleep. This is the conversation we had:

TBM: Frederick died
Me: Yes - he did die

TBM: He went with daddy and he died
Me: Yes, he went with daddy and he died

TBM: You went to the lab and came back
Me: o_O

I had a blood test done the day we put him down. I went to that at like 3pm and the vet appointment was for 4:30 or something. It's never been discussed that I went to the lab before Frederick was put down. She remembered that all on her own.

WTF? That's insane. It's been a few months and she pulls that out of thin air.

She's an amazing little kid.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh the sleep woes

Sleep hates us.

For the longest time TBM would sleep when we did. She'd go to bed with us at ~11pm and then sleep until 10am. I'd get up before she did and have some quiet time to myself. It was great. She got to spend alot of time with Andrew after he got home from work.

But then she started daycare 7 months ago. You'd think that she would have adjusted. But no...

Every once in awhile she gives us hope. She'll go to sleep easily at 7pm (which is when we've been trying for the last 7 months) for a few days. But it never lasts. Soon we're back to it taking 1 to 2 hours to put her to sleep.

I think she's just like me. It takes her along time to wind down enough to fall asleep. And since her attention span is that of a 2yo, she gets bored waiting and gets out of bed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another week

This week was a good week. We had good drop offs and pick ups from daycare.

Here are a couple funnies:

"Oh no!!!!! My carseat is BLACK. It's not pink. That's NOT OK..."

"That's Julia's mama... Oh - that's Julia's daddy! He's a boy... He has a penis!"

She's a really sweet kid.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



Today was hard (sort of forming a pattern). I had an old friend from highschool over with her 6 month old. And all TBM wanted to do was be a baby.

Well - that's not really fair. She did a bunch of big kid stuff like get the baby toys and similar things. But she cried and cried and wanted the baby's soother. She didn't want her own, she wanted the "little" one...

It was really frustrating. She's normally such a big kid.

My BFF has a 5 week old baby (and a 2yo). And when ever we're with them TBM does this stuff too. I lent her a couple of baby carriers and when I was showing her them, TBM insisted on going in each of them. When she sees him get his diaper changed she insists on having a pretend change.

I really hope she get's over it before we have another kid.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More death talk

As I mentioned before we had to put down our cat ~6 weeks ago. He was old and his kidneys were failing.

We talked about it with TBM a bunch and she seemed to get something out of it. She didn't say much to us - and she hasn't really mentioned him at all. Last weekend she told my friend, "I can't move Frederick. He died"...

Anyway, tonight we told DH's parents about it (they spent alot of time with her) and they said that she talks about his all the time with them. (Maybe she knows we know so she doesn't feel like she has to tell us).

Apparently she's said, "Frederick died. He went away.".

I find it very interesting to see how she's dealing with this.

Another rough morning

So 2 is a rough stage. TBM is in fine form these days. One moment she will be really reasonable, and the next it's like she's from another planet.

This morning was a good example. We got up and she had breakfast. Then it was time to get dressed and go to work/daycare. So I found some clothes for her and DH got her dressed. Great! Right?

It was until she decided that she'd rather have different underwear. So while we were packing our stuff to get out the door she removed all her clothes in order to put on pink undies. And she had to do it all herself. I suppose I should be happy that it doesn't look like we'll have a 6yo who still needs us to dress her. But when it takes 4 times as long for her to do it - it kind of sucks.

When we got to daycare she wanted to take her purple gloves into the room with her. But that's not allowed. Things like that need to be left in her locker. It took close to 10 minutes for her to agree and actually follow through on putting her gloves away and being willing to walk away from the locker. it was insane. I know it sounds crazy that I let it go on for that long - but really it's a choice between 2 bad results.

I could have removed the gloves from her hands, which she would have perceived as a complete violation of her personal space. Then she would have screamed and cried and asked questions like "why you do this mama? Why you do this to me?" for the next 30 minutes. Or I can sit on the floor feeling like an idiot methodically repeating "Your gloves need to stay in your locker. Where would you like to put them in your locker? Would you like to put them, or would you like mama to put them?" Ad nauseum.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

OK. Some pictures!

These are going to start roughly where I left off last time (with the exception of our Hawaii trip) and come up to now. Then my plan is to start blogging again.

It's been along time.

Well - it's been a VERY long time since I posted here. That's OK. It's for me to have a chance to write out what I'm thinking about. I will try, when I have time, to fill in some of the gaps of how TBM is doing.

As a basic update - she's now 2, talking up a storm, and insisting on doing everything herself. We're having a great time exploring the world with her.

Part of what prompted me to dig up this blog is how she's been dealing with the death of our cat. We had an old cat named Frederick. We put him down about 6 weeks ago. We told her about it, and she seemed to take something away from it.

Then last weekend we had a friend over and TBM told her very seriously, "I can't move Frederick. Frederick died!"... This is in clear reference to her Olivia book where Olivia moves the cat.

It's amazing what percolates through a 2yo's head.