Saturday, May 26, 2007

Our little tiny baby is growing up :)

We were at my parents house for supper one night. When it came time to eat my dad suggested that we put TBM in a highchair... We looked at him sceptically. She was WAY too young/little/our baby to sit in a high chair. But he persisted (those of you who know my dad will understand this). So we decided to humor him. It couldn't hurt, we figured, to put her in, prove she wasn't nearly big enough to sit in it, and then take her out.

I put her in and OMG - it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She sat there for nearly all of supper looking really pleased with herself and playing with some toys.

Here she is watching the strange pen with lights and a fan thing my parents got my nephew...

"What the 'F' is that thing" she wonders in her baby brain....

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