Saturday, May 26, 2007

Easter (and the never ending photoshoots...)

So Easter was a pretty cool time. We dressed TBM up in a fancy dress for the first time... (no I didn't buy a fancy dress - I borrowed one from my lovely sister) :) For the whole 10 minutes she lasted in it each time she looked adorable. Luckily we took lots of pictures so there's proof that we do occasionally put clothes on her.

The frist two were taken by my dad. She is just beautiful if I do say so myself.

Then DH's parents came over and we repeated the process. She lasted a bit longer because we don't keep out house at 1000 degrees... :P

Here she is getting ready - she has no idea what's in store, but she likes the large black thing and all the attention.

"Can we take this thing off???" she ask as she pulls on the skirt.

Showing her adorable smile.

Something was funny. She can finally push up a little bit.

All done.

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