Sunday, April 19, 2009

We went to the zoo - take 1

We took TBM to the zoo at Easter. It was a blast. We went with a friend of ours and her 2 little kids.

We got through the entire zoo and the kids ran and ran. They ran from cage to cage. It was really nice to finally get outside and just let them go.

Here's TBM and her friend. They were dancing ontop of a picnic table (they had been watching the zebra - and that's about the only way for little kids to see it). As they were dancing the friend accidentlally bumped TBM. Her hand ever so gently grazed TBM's chin. You would have though she was shot. She cried and pouted for more than 5 mintues. What I love is the look her friend gave her basically telling her to get over it already :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

We went to the Easter celebration at Fort Edmonton. TBM had a great time. The photo quality isn't great, I took the pics on my iPhone.

Here she is looking for eggs in the little kid area.

Her haul.

With her face painted :)

Really pleased with having had her face painted.

With her bunny ears we made.

Approaching the wallaby that really just wanted to take a nap

Brushing that wallaby

I'm sure the turkey weighed almost as much as she does.

Brushing a lamb.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So there has been more talk about death

This morning in the car TBM brought up death again.

She went through her normal thing of telling us that Frederick died, and that daddy took Frederick away and he died. Then she added in a new element. She said that Frederick lay on the floor and then daddy took him away and he died. So she's remembering how he was sleeping all the time and pretty weak.

Then she brought the other cats into it. "Kess didn't die. Earl didn't die!". And we assured her they were still young and it was unlikely that they would die any time soon. To which she replied "When they not young, daddy take them away and they die?"


And before we could respond she asked "Daddy take me away and I die?"...

I really didn't know what to say to that. But I told her that she was very unlikely to die soon, and when she did, daddy wouldn't take her away. I told her we'd probably call an ambulance or something and then steered the conversation towards the fact that animals and people are different. And then, because she is still just 2 she said:

"When I'm an animal daddy will take me to the zoo!!!"...

A fun ending to a heavy conversation. I'm not really sure what to do with the death talk. I know she's working through it, and it's her first exposure to death. But, she's only 2. It's really weird and morbid to hear her talk about daddy taking her away and her dieing.

Friday, April 3, 2009

She's a Canadian baby!

I realized I hadn't posted these. It's basically - how you know she's a Canadian baby!