Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Times.

We go to DH's parent's house (OMG - am I supposed to use both apostrophies? I don't remember anything from elementary...) almost every week. We were over there this week and TBM had a great time eating Cheerios while we had supper.

Eating Cheerios in the exersaucer:

Eating banana at the table (at some point she realises that she isn't in fact eating the same thing we are the same way - and then we have to include her, but until then the exersaucer or high chair is great):
She also loves to ride on DH's shoulders. You can catch a glimps of what she's going to look like in this pic I think:

Smiling for the camera:

Finally - it's outside time :)

So the weather finally got nice enough and the grass finally got dry enough to start going outside. We put down an old sheet and TBM loves to crawl off of it. Her grandparents were over helping us plant out little garden and Grandad snaped some nice ones of her playing. My fingers are still crossed that she won't notice the hat... :) She also loves the sand at the park. I have to remember to take the camera with me next time we go.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Pulling up...

DH and I were doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen while TBM was happily playing in the living room. We hear the music for the exersaucer turn on. Figuring that she had managed to crawl over to it I peaked around the corner to take a look. I never expected what I saw. Andrew ran and grabbed the camera while I hid in the kitchen hoping she hadn't noticed me and wouldn't let go. Now I just want to point out that she is basically 6 months old in these pics... :)

This is what we first saw:

And here she is wondering what all the fuss is about.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

OMG - She's standing!!

Andrew and I were cleaning the kitchen. TBM was playing happily

Food Fun

TBM had been bugging us for weeks about our food. For a while we were able to placate her with small plastic bowls and spoons to play with. But eventually she wore us down. Here she is enjoying rice cerial for the first time. She really liked it. Although it was basically impossible to get the spoon back to refill it.

April Showers bring cute dresses?

We got this dress from DH's uncle as a birth present. I worried that it wouldn't fit in weather warm enough for her to wear. But as it turns out our little peanut fit it just fine as spring came. And with our lovely nice weather she wore it a bunch.

Sitting so nicely.

All done - please pick me up :)

Computer Monster

At first TBM was happy to sit on the computer room floor and play with toys. She would give me 20 minutes or so to check my e-mails and so on. But around 4 months she started to get really interested in what I was doing. I have an optical mouse and she was facinated by the red light. And then she got interested in keyboard. I guess there was something in the buffer and she managed to press 'Ctrl' and 'V' at the same time.

Monday, June 11, 2007


I know this is going to be out of order - but it's too cute and I don't want to forget about it.

All weekend TBM has been sticking her toungue out and making this "Thhhhhhhh" noise while spraying spit everywhere. It's really cute. DH's been encouraging her and she's doing it more and more.

But more importantly I think it's the first thing she's 'parroted'. We make the noise and then look at her and she does it. It's really cool. Our little tiny baby is growing up :( J/K :)